Tuesday, October 30, 2012


At this time, the airfield is open to emergency services aircraft.   It is also open to other aircraft and helicopters, by Prior Permission Request (PPR) only. The main terminal and airfield lighting is being powered by generator. Due to power outages in the local area, many of the buildings on the airfield have no power including both Fixed Based Operators. 
There are aircraft and structures that were damaged by the storm. All affected owners have already been contacted by Airport Operations or their Landlord. These owners are in the process of securing these structures or aircraft. Due to loose debris and material on the ramps, as well as limited power, we are limiting access and aircraft operations. When the ramp is safe and power is restored, we will notify all badge holders and reopen the pedestrian and vehicle gates. If you have any questions regarding this matter please coordinate with your landlord.   
Earlier today, the ATC Tower opened. The hours of operation will be from 7 a.m. – 11 p.m. daily. Emergency services aircraft will be allowed 24/7From 7 am to 7 pm, aircraft operations will be allowed by PPR only. 
FEMA has been on site since Sunday, they are deploying ground based assets to Republic Airport. Republic was identified as a "distribution center" to support emergency services. We are presently using the main terminal ramp (which is closed) and will expand FEMA operations to other locations on the airport. 
 In the meantime, please stay safe.
Shelley LaRose Arken
Airport Manager