Thursday, June 26, 2014


To:         ALAUX

1.  In concert with Objective #6 of the National Recreational Boating Safety Strategic Plan, which is to reduce the number of boating fatalities attributed to Boating Under the Influence, and funded by Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Safety Trust Fund non-profit grants to the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators, the Coast Guard's message authorizing Coast Guard participation and support for the sixth annual Operation Drywater message has been released, and follows below.

2.  Please promote Operation Drywater awareness and participation as much as possible.  And enjoy the water this weekend, knowing that our state law enforcement partners and involved Coast Guard units will be busy with this endeavor.    

R 251940Z JUN 14
A. U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Law Enforcement Manual (MLEM), COMDTINST M16247.1 (series)

1.  The purpose of this ALCOAST is to provide notice of this years Operation Dry Water (ODW) and encourage maximum participation from Coast Guard units consistent with Area and District Commanders direction.

2. Alcohol use continues to be a leading cause in recreational boating related accidents, injuries and deaths. Alcohol was a contributing factor in sixteen percent of all recreational boating deaths in 2013. ODW directly supports a variety of objectives identified in the Strategic Plan of the National Recreational Boating Safety Program that is focused on reducing deaths and injuries nationally.

3. ODW will be conducted the weekend of 27-29 June. This is the sixth year for this national multi-agency boating under the influence (BUI) education, detection and enforcement event. The national goal is to significantly reduce the number of alcohol-related accidents, injuries, and deaths among recreational boaters.

4. This year, the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA), in partnership with COMDT (CG-BSX-2), and many other boating safety partners, will once again coordinate this nationwide event. Marine law enforcement agencies throughout the 56 states and territories will intensify BUI awareness and enforcement through increased patrols and established sobriety checkpoints.

5. Coast Guard units are encouraged to partner with state boating law administrators and local law enforcement agencies to make this years ODW a success. Operations permitting, unit Commanding Officers and Officers in Charge are strongly encouraged to support and participate in the sixth national BUI enforcement effort and awareness event. Units shall conduct BUI enforcement in conjunction with normal law enforcement operations. Thus, USCG units shall not establish blockades or other checkpoints designed specifically to detect intoxicated operators. However, this prohibition does not preclude Coast Guard units from assisting and participating alongside our law enforcement partners if they establish blockades or checkpoints. Units shall review ref (a) to ensure compliance with current Coast Guard policy.

6. NASBLA and COMDT (CG-BSX-2) have created a special ODW website, which has information on this initiative including national media press releases, public service announcements, posters, and brochures that can be used to promote this nationwide effort. The web address is

7. To ensure that participation by Coast Guard field units is accurately captured, units planning on participating in this years event must register at At the conclusion of the ODW event, participating units shall fill out the online report form on the ODW website

8. In 2013, all 50 states and six territories participated in the fifth annual ODW event. Over 6,000 marine law enforcement officers representing over 500 law enforcement agencies nationwide, which included 119 Coast Guard operational units, made contact with 144,044 boaters on 58,171 recreational vessels. Federal, state, and local marine law enforcement officers made 290 arrests for BUI. Additionally, there were 4,942 citations and 12,217 warnings for other recreational boating related safety violations during the three-day weekend.

9. Media coverage for ODW was once again extensive during the entire event. The combined national and state agency media outreach efforts resulted in strong media coverage for the 2013 ODW event. As a result of the strong outreach efforts, ODW was highlighted in 782 television news stories, 1,056 online mentions, including social media sites,
135 print articles and 139 wire stories and hyperlink mentions.

10. Units having additional questions or wishing to participate in this operation are encouraged to contact their respective District Recreational Boating Safety Specialist for guidance in coordinating efforts in this unique pulse op.

11. COMDT (CG-BSX-2) POC: Joseph Carro (202)372-1068, or joseph.j.carro(AT)

12. RDML Paul Thomas, Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy and RDML Peter Brown, Assistant Commandant for Response Policy, send.
13. Internet release authorized.

3. The purpose of this list is to keep Auxiliarists as well as all other interested parties abreast of current developments, policies, manuals, etc. All information contained herein and linked is OFFICIAL policy and information.

4. Internet Release and Distribution is Authorized.

5. CG-BSX-1 sends
Forwarded by:
DCAPT David G. Porter
Sector NY - South, 1SR

Monday, June 23, 2014

Empire State Building to Celebrate our 75th Anniversary


Empire State Building Lights Up to Celebrate Coast Guard Auxiliary's 75th Anniversary

On June 23, 2014, the Empire State Building will celebrate the Coast Guard Auxiliary's 75 years of volunteer service to the United States Coast Guard and the boating public. The Auxiliary colors will bathe the building with light.  Admiral Robert Papp, past Commandant of the Coast Guard, praised the 31,000-member force as "…the world's premier maritime volunteers." The Auxiliary's theme for the 75th anniversary is "Honoring the Past Preparing for the Future."
In 1939 Congress created this unique volunteer organization.  The Auxiliary has four broadly defined purposes: promoting safety of life at sea and on inland waterways, improving efficiency in operation of recreational vessels, educating boaters on laws, navigation and operation of boats, and helping the Coast Guard Active duty with some missions and operations. 
The role of the Auxiliary expanded during WW II and members began wearing uniforms. During these early years Auxiliarist developed professional working relationships with the Coast Guard. Continuing that tradition of service, 75 years later the Auxiliary is an integral part of Team Coast Guard. Auxiliarists make a difference by volunteering their time, talents, and use their boats and equipment.  They are proud to serve their communities and the nation.
Each year, across the nation, Auxiliarists teach boating safety classes for the public and provide free vessel safety exams to promote recreational boating safety. Members engage in safety patrols and Search and Rescue operations in support of the Coast Guard.  Auxiliarists stand radio watches at many Coast Guard stations and provide food service by cooking at stations and on Coast Guard vessels. They act as Force Multipliers for the Coast Guard.  
The lighting of the Empire State Building with the Coast Guard Auxiliary colors on June 23, 2014 celebrates this proud 75-year history of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. They are "Honoring the Past Preparing for the Future" and are, like the rest of the Coast Guard team, "Semper Paratus "– "Always Ready."
The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is the civilian, uniformed volunteer component of the U.S. Coast Guard.  The Auxiliary has approximately 31,000 members who volunteer over 4,500,000 hours a year to support Recreational Boating Safety, 200,000 in operational patrols, Search and Rescue other Coast Guard missions. (Source: Performance Trends Reports – National Summary Spring 2014.)
Public Affairs Directorate
U S Coast Guard Auxiliary
Life Jacket, Wear It, the name says it all!





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1. This morning, in recognition of the outstanding and unparalleled
achievements of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary at the time of its 75th
anniversary, the Commandant of the Coast Guard awarded the Coast Guard Unit
Commendation to all Auxiliarists who have served during the past five years.
The citation follows:

The Commandant of the Coast Guard takes pleasure in presenting the COAST


for service as set forth in the following


"For exceptionally meritorious service from June 24, 2009 to June 23,
2014, while providing unprecedented levels of dedicated public service and
operational support to the U. S. Coast Guard's missions. Demonstrating
remarkable professionalism and boating safety expertise, the Auxiliary
performed over 1.1 million vessel safety checks and marine dealer visits,
delivered over 540 thousand hours of boating safety course instruction and
conducted over 809 thousand hours of public outreach. Displaying superior
underway and airborne operational proficiency, Auxiliarists logged over 19.8
million hours of support and patrol missions, saved over one thousand lives,
assisted over 20 thousand boaters in distress and prevented the loss of more
than 185 million dollars in property. The Auxiliary always answered the
call, remaining in lockstep with the Coast Guard's response to every major
incident. In 2010, unique Auxiliary talents were brought to bear in the
international response to the Haitian earthquake, blazing new trails in the
application of social media to locate and save dozens of trapped victims.
Also during that year, well-qualified Auxiliarists filled essential incident
command post watch positions and augmented active duty units to support the
Deepwater Horizon response. Similarly in 2012, Auxiliary commitment
following Super Storm SANDY and Hurricane IRENE was instrumental to
effective Coast Guard response and recovery operations. The Auxiliary
consistently found innovative ways to support the Coast Guard, including
establishment of the Auxiliary Food Services program which trained
Auxiliarists to augment Coast Guard galleys, afloat and ashore. Auxiliarists
involved with Public Affairs, Interpreter Corps, America's Waterway Watch,
and many other programs further contributed to Coast Guard success by
volunteering their professional talents, mastery of trade, and disciplined
initiative wherever and whenever needed. The Auxiliary's unwavering efforts
directly contributed to unprecedented national boating safety achievements,
highlighted in 2013 with the fewest boating fatalities in 50 years. Despite
incredible challenges amid keen competition for America's volunteers, the
Auxiliary grew its membership, provided over 22 million hours of
inspirational support to the Coast Guard, and kept our Nation's coasts,
lakes, and waterways safe and secure. The professionalism, pride, and
devotion to duty displayed by the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary are in
keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Coast Guard."


Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard

2. Appropriate AUXDATA entries for all awardees will be made through the
Office of the Chief Director of Auxiliary (CG-BSX). Appropriate ribbons and
stars will be distributed to District Director of Auxiliary offices by the
end of July.

3. When Admiral Zukunft presented this award to COMO Mallison, the
Commandant stressed the sincere appreciation of a grateful active duty Coast
Guard for our volunteer servant leader force, and Admiral Zukunft lead all
active duty members in a standing ovation for the Auxiliarists who were
present. Congratulations to the men and women of our U.S. Coast Guard
Auxiliary, and thank you for your continued service!

4. The purpose of this list is to keep Auxiliarists as well as all other
interested parties abreast of current developments, policies, manuals, etc.
All information contained herein and linked is OFFICIAL policy and

5. Internet Release and Distribution is Authorized.

6. CG-BSX-1 sends

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DCAPT David G. Porter
Sector NY South
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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

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Monday, June 16, 2014


R 122141Z JUN 14
UNCLAS //N16790//
ALCOAST 271/14
SUBJ: SEVENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD AUXILIARY 1. Congress founded the Coast Guard Auxiliary in 1939 as an organization of volunteers to promote boating safety and to augment the United States Coast Guard. On 23 June 2014, we  will celebrate the Auxiliarys 75th anniversary of dedicated and heroic service to our Nation.
2. The Auxiliary provided sustained mission excellence to the Nation and the Coast Guard during this diamond anniversary year, as it has throughout its proud history. This year, Auxiliarists delivered over
4.2 million hours of operational and administrative manpower to Coast Guard missions. Auxiliary instructors spent over 96,000 hours teaching boating safety classes, and its vessel examiners performed over 130,000 recreational and fishing vessel safety checks. Auxiliary operators performed more than 66,000 hours of SAR mission support saving over 470 lives and assisting 13,000 members of the boating public. Much to the credit of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, the number of boating safety-related deaths in the U.S. reached a historic low for a second consecutive year.
3. Congratulations to the Coast Guard Auxiliary for 75 years of outstanding service. In recognition of the profound devotion, sacrifice, and achievement of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, I will award them with the Coast Guard Unit Commendation at Coast Guard Headquarters on June 23. Please join me in honoring their long and distinguished history of service by congratulating Auxiliarists throughout your regions and by proudly hoisting the Auxiliary colors.
4. Admiral Paul F. Zukunft, Commandant, sends.
5. Internet release authorized.

Forwarded by:
DCAPT David G. Porter for the 
Commandant USCG and the 

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