This notification serves as a reminder to all tenants to ensure that all aircraft, equipment and loose debris are properly secured prior to Sunday Morning, October 28th in preparation for an approaching storm system. High winds and heavy rains are expected at Republic Airport as the system moves through the New York area. Please take the proper precautions and check the security of all tie-downs, and ensure that any debris or unsecured equipment is removed from the ramp areas.Please note that at the following wind thresholds airport services will be suspended:
- At sustained winds of 65 miles per hour (mph) the airport will close.
- At sustained winds of 75 mph the Air Traffic Control Tower will close.
The airport will reopen once sustained winds fall below the 65 mph threshold and all runways and taxiways are inspected and cleared of debris.Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact John Arancio, Assistant Airport Manager
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