1. Recently released ALCOAST 244/13 addresses the Coast Guard's campaign to
eliminate sexual assault. Please read it at
2. This ALCOAST provides the clear expectation of our Commandant that
sexual assault will not be tolerated within our Coast Guard. Simply put,
sexual assault is contrary to our fundamental core values. All of us are
responsible for providing the culture of intolerance ADM Papp describes.
3. Unfortunately, our Auxiliary is not immune to the types of behavior that
is making headlines within the military. Just as unfortunate, other members
often observe inappropriate behavior and fail to take action. If you witness
or become aware of behavior that is not acceptable or appropriate, you have
a responsibility to do something about it. Section 7.C. of the Auxiliary
Manual, COMDTINST M16790.1 (series) provides the policy and responsibilities
of members when dealing with rape and sexual assault. When in doubt, seek
the guidance of your chain of leadership and management.
4. This Commander's Intent directs each command to read and discuss this
message with all hands. While there is no reporting requirement, I encourage
DCOs and DIRAUXs to ensure this Commander's Intent message is read,
discussed, and understood at flotilla and division levels.
5. The purpose of this list is to keep Auxiliarists as well as all other
interested parties abreast of current developments, policies, manuals, etc.
All information contained herein and linked is OFFICIAL policy and
6. Internet Release and Distribution is Authorized.
7. CG-BSX-1 sends via...
DCAPT David G. Porter, Sector NY/S
1st Southern Region