Today, 17 JAN 2021 our Nation celebrates and recognizes a National Hero and Change Agent, the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. He like us grew up, lived through and managed some very difficult times where 100 years after our Nation's Civil War, we were a very much divided country. Rules, laws and opportunity which were proposed to have been available for ALL men absented itself from some classes of people in some areas particularly in the south. Segregation, shunning, disregarding, unfair treatment, disenfranchising, and unequal treatment ruled the day. It prevalent as it may have been in the south, persons of color were not a stranger to this treatment even in the north. It was the teachings of tolerance and acceptance given to us by Dr. King, the sharing of a dream he shared with us all as to how life could and should be by simply allowing Diversity and Inclusion (not his words but his idea) to take root. As ALL men were deemed created equal by our maker, said to be equal in the eyes of the law, having the same hopes, dreams and desires as anyone else with breath in their lungs, one would think that now 50 plus years later we would be further along and better off than we were then during King's I have a dream speech. Instead we walk amongst the lost, disappointed, let down, forgotten, down trodden and disenfranchised masses of all races within our great country who only want a chance to be safe and secure in their persons, have an equal chance to succeed and prosper, enjoy equal treatment under the law and enjoy equal opportunities in all they attempt to do. So where am I going with all of this? Well, in the sprit of the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I would ask us all to remember all that has been fought for. Remember all who have died for the promise of equality. Celebrate all that unites us. Embrace our differences and acknowledge each of our talents while honoring all that unites and binds us not as northerners or southerners, blacks or whites, males or females, gay or straight. democrat or republican but as AMERICANS! This has always been our story in times of strife. Our country is currently conducting a stress test of these dreams, beliefs and promises. Like Dr. King, we too must be change agents. We must recognize that the same old way of doing things doesn't work and would still have us trying to figure out things like fire, electricity, travel and computing. Embracing tolerance, accepting new ideas, views and people are strengths that should be welcomed as it makes us all collectives stronger. As a single twig can easily bend and break, a bunch of them bound together is strong. During 2021 and for the years to come, let us all come together as one, recognize and embrace our differences and steel them against our commonality to make a better US Coast Guard and Auxiliary. This can be the way that we honor our selves, each other, our country, our flag and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s memory.
Respectfully Submitted,
COMO David G. Porter, ANACO
US Coast Guard Auxiliary
National Diversity & Inclusion Directorate