1. The National Weather Service has issued blizzard warnings for the Captain of the Port Long Island Sound and New York zones from Monday afternoon through Tuesday night, 26 – 27 January 2015. Snow accumulations of 24 to 36 inches in Connecticut and Long Island, NY and 18-24 inches in New York City, with sustained winds near 40 mph and stronger gusts are expected. Heavy snowfall and high winds may limit visibility to ¼ mile. Moderate coastal flooding due to storm surge is also possible.
2. Life-threatening conditions and extremely dangerous travel due to heavy snowfall and strong winds with whiteout conditions. Many roads may become impassable. Strong winds may down power lines and tree limbs
3. No attainment reporting is required for storm condition blizzard (this differs from hurricane condition status reporting). Report notice of critical structure failure (such as bridge collapse) to relevant sector command center. Post storm accountability check will be initiated on or about the evening of the 27th.
4. Take all precautions to secure equipment and property. Top off fuel tanks, as fuel pumps will not function in the event of power failure. Test generators. Confirm adequate supply of water and food for several days. Charge all mobile devices. Test flashlights, radios and check first aid kits. Use shovels and snowblowers with extreme caution. Be smart, stay safe
5. Monitor weather forecasts. http://www.weather.gov/
6. Watchstanders, Food Service Specialists and R21 Task Force members, please stand by for the possibility of post-storm mobilization. Incident Management Team, support as directed by SECLIS as conditions permit. All other members will be contacted if needed.
Donna M. Cole, USCG AUX
National Incident Management & Preparedness Directorate
Division Chief, Contingency Planning
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