1. The following authorized Auxiliary activity description is effective
immediately. It will be included as part of the next change to the Coast
Guard Auxiliary Manual, section 2.B. Programs/Activities Authorized for
Auxiliarists are authorized to establish partnerships with accredited
colleges and universities within the U.S. and its territories for the
purpose of enrolling interested and highly motivated students into the
Coast Guard Auxiliary University Program (AUP). AUP endeavors to
effectively integrate student Auxiliarists' service with their academic
experience. Students who seek to join the Auxiliary through the AUP must
meet all Auxiliary enrollment thresholds and adhere to all Auxiliary
administrative, training, and operational policies subsequent to
enrollment. They may participate in all aspects of authorized Auxiliary
activities and receive appropriate academic credit for such from the
associated institution. AUP participants shall adhere to Auxiliary
organizational, administrative, training, and operational structure and
policies as approved and promulgated by the Chief Director. Auxiliarists
who enroll and participate in the AUP should be strongly supported in
their academic pursuits and Coast Guard Auxiliary mission performance.
2. The purpose of this list is to keep Auxiliarists as well as all other
interested parties abreast of current developments, policies, manuals,
etc. All information contained herein and linked is OFFICIAL policy and
3. Internet Release and Distribution is Authorized.
4. CG-BSX sends.
DCAPT David G. Porter, Sector NY/S
1st Southern Region