Friday, September 28, 2012

Runway 14/32 EMAS Construction Update for FRG

Please be advised that the Runway 32 (North Side) EMAS construction project will commence on Tuesday, October 2nd , 2012.  Construction is scheduled to last 90 days and is weather dependent.  During this time there will be a full closure of Runway 14/32 Monday – Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  
As part of this project, the Runway 14 Medium-Intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway Alignment Indicator (MALSR) will be removed and replaced with a Medium Intensity Approach Light System with Sequenced Flashing Lights (MALSF). Please note that while the approach light system is out of service approach minimums may be affected. Also expect intermittent outages of the Runway 14 Instrument Landing System (ILS) during the construction period.
Operators are reminded to check NOTAMs and weather conditions before departing to ensure that Runway 1/19 is suitable for your type of operation.  

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, September 27, 2012

ANACO's announced for 2012-14 term

WASHINGTON - The following Coast Guard Auxiliary members have been
selected to serve as Area National Commodores (ANACO's) for a two-year
term of office commencing 01-NOV-12:

1) ANACO-Chief Counsel (CC): Douglas S. Crean
2) ANACO-Diversity (DV): Nancy L. Rudiger
3) ANACO-Response and Prevention (RP): David Elliot
4) ANACO-Recreational Boating (RB): L. Daniel Maxim
5) ANACO-FORCECOM (FC): Sigurd E. Murphy
6) ANACO-Planning and Performance (PP): Fred C. Gates
7) ANACO-Information Technology (IT): Stephen C. Johnson

Congratulations to all!

Christopher Todd
Deputy Director | Government & Public Affairs
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

Monday, September 17, 2012

New York Area Temporary Flight Restriction Main Terminal Ramp Closure at FRG

The purpose of this memorandum is to notify all tenants of a Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) that will be in effect for the New York Area from Tuesday, September 18th through Friday,

September 28th, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily. It is strongly recommended that pilot visit the FAA website and review the entire TFR and applicable NOTAMs before conducting flight operations during this period, as they are subject to change.

As a result of this TFR, special security procedures will be in effect at Republic Airport from Monday, September 24th through Tuesday, September 25th, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily. Please note that the Main Terminal Ramp will be closed during this period to all unauthorized aircraft, vehicles and personnel.

Please review all NOTAMs for updates or changes to this notification. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding this notification, please contact John Arancio, Assistant Airport Manager at FRG

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

FAA Safety Team | Safer Skies Through Education

Updated AIM Information
Notice Number: NOTC4145

Recently a pilot informed us of changes to the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) concerning the use of lights and transponder while moving on the surface of an airport. This pilot learned from a Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE). Although it is your individual responsibility to stay aware of procedures in the AIM, we thought you would want to know about this particular safety initiative!

The AIM, which is available at, is updated in February and July of each year, and included in the last February change was an updated description of the "Operation Lights On" pilot safety program.

In section 4-3-23, Use of Aircraft Lights, paragraphs (c), (e), (f) and (g) describe the use of lights while on an airport. We invite you to go to the AIM and read each of these paragraphs. For example, paragraph (e) states,

Prior to commencing taxi, it is recommended to turn on navigation, position, anti­-collision, and logo lights (if equipped). To signal intent to other pilots, consider turning on the taxi light when the aircraft is moving or intending to move on the ground, and turning it off when stopped or yielding to other ground traffic. Strobe lights should not be illuminated during taxi if they will adversely affect the vision of other pilots or ground personnel.

Furthermore, the use of your transponder while taxiing is recommended in paragraph 4-1-20. It says, in part,

Civil and military transponders should be turned to the "on" or normal altitude reporting position prior to moving on the airport surface to ensure the aircraft is visible to ATC surveillance systems.

We encourage you to keep abreast of the periodic changes to the AIM, and they make it easy by providing a change summary page for each change. We appreciate these items being brought to our attention so that we could share them with you.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

D1SR Elections -014/12

The results of the D1SR elections are as follows:
DCO - Vincent T. Pica
DCOS - Alexander J. Malewski
DCAPT - SECNY North - James M. Canavan (re-elected)
DCAPT - SECNY South - David G. Porter
DCAPT - SECLIS North - George C. White (re-elected)
DCAPT - SECLIS South - John J. Knipper
(Reported by COMO Harold M. Marschall D1SR)
L-R George C. White, David G. Porter, Vincent T. Pica, John J. Knipper, James M. Canavan, and Alexander J. Malewski who are the elected leadership for 2013 in D1SR being sworn in by IPNACO Nicholas Kerrigan.
(Photo by: Joseph Heslin VCDR, Div. 12)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Flight Advisory- UNGA - New York, NY Notice Number: NOTC4135

Click for details: SEPTEMBER 18, 2012

Provided by William Goess of 12-07 thru the FAA Safety Team (FASST)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Congrats Como Marschall

For those that have not heard the news, our very own D1SR Commodore - Como Marschall, was elected by the NEXCOM at the recent NACON to the position of DNACO (Deputy National Commodore) Atlantic Area East!

This a very prestigious position and will entail a national level leadership role in Operations/RBS.  Como Marschall prevailed over a very distinguished field of candidates including current & past District Commodores from throughout Atlantic Area.  The voting was tense and came down to a final vote between Como Marschall and the current D7 Commodore. 

I am personally extremely proud of not just Hal for his election but his willingness to continue to serve our interests and those of the entire Auxiliary on a National level (not too sure Maura will be as happy).  Hal continues to pave the way for D1SR leadership moving 'up the chain' and it is a testament to all of your hard work and dedication that our Commodore was chosen to hold this very important post.  His term begins 1 October but he will of course continue to lead D1SR until he is relieved on 1 Jan 2013
by our next elected D1SR Commodore.

Please ensure widest dissemination through the chain of leadership-

BZ Como Marschall & D1SR Auxiliary!!

Commander Chris Zorman
Director of Auxiliary - D1SR
U.S. Coast Guard