Please be advised that the Runway 32 (North Side) EMAS construction project will commence on Tuesday, October 2nd , 2012. Construction is scheduled to last 90 days and is weather dependent. During this time there will be a full closure of Runway 14/32 Monday – Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.As part of this project, the Runway 14 Medium-Intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway Alignment Indicator (MALSR) will be removed and replaced with a Medium Intensity Approach Light System with Sequenced Flashing Lights (MALSF). Please note that while the approach light system is out of service approach minimums may be affected. Also expect intermittent outages of the Runway 14 Instrument Landing System (ILS) during the construction period.Operators are reminded to check NOTAMs and weather conditions before departing to ensure that Runway 1/19 is suitable for your type of operation.
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